Saturday, 1 October 2011


Today I went out for groceries with my mom. And the one store we went to they were selling cupcakes with bacon on the top. I have never heard about this or seen it done before, but I don't think I would like it. They were also selling bacon dipped in chocolate. I was not brave enough to try such a thing but the sales lady says it sells really well.
I can't believe how cold it is outside today. It seems like the teperature just dropped to fast.
Today i am doing well, my arm is really itchy today my mom says that means it is healing I hope she is right, since the stitches come out on monday.
I am also going to be joining a craft group on mondays for people living with mental illness it should be interesting to meet people like me

Friday, 30 September 2011


Well it is later tonight then I usually post, but that is because I am having a good day. I went out to a mall I don't usually go to because it is quite the drive but I bought a new pair of shoes, these are great shoes as they have hello kitty on them and they were in my size, I can't wait to start wearing them. Then my friend came back to my house and we played cards with my mom, as the game is much better with more people. The card game is phase 10, and there is 10 different things you have to do in order to win the game. It is lots of fun.

Thursday, 29 September 2011

doctors theory

Today was a good day. I had music lessons. My doctor has a interesting theory as to why I hurt myself and don't know why. They think I may have experienced something called dissociation and had a moment where time stood still in my mind and I didn't know what i did Till it was to late. KInd of sounds like a strange theory to me.
maybe I will never figure out what truly happened as to why i self injured on sunday but I would really like to know why to make sure it does not happen again

Wednesday, 28 September 2011

The Mall

Today has been a good day. I spent the day with a friend. We went to the mall and to the craft store. I didn't find anything but my friend got a piece of hand blown glass that you fill with water and put it into your plants to keep them watered. They were on sale for 99 cents, I already have one so I did not need to buy another one. We stayed at the mall for lunch.  I felt like I was going to have a panick attack at the mall, because my heart started going really fast, but I didn't, which is a good thing because I didn't want my friend to worry about me. Aftewr we left the mall we went to the fraft store. But none of us bought something at the craft store. Tonight I am going to the gym. I usually have a good time there.

Tuesday, 27 September 2011


Today has been a goodday and I am looking forwrd to going to zumba and the gym. I really enjoy going to zumba, to bad I can only go once a week as it is a positive in my day. Yesterday I went to see my social worker she told me it is ok, to be scared. and I should accept the fact that i am scared. So I am working on doing that. Today I just watched movies all day because I was scared of being in my bedroom. My mom tells me she doesn't smell anything strange in my room but often I tell her my room smells like salomi even though we don't by that kind of meat. strange isn't it.

Monday, 26 September 2011

Oh no

Yesterday started off so good, I don't know what but something went wrong as I ended up cutting myself and being taken to the hospital. where i ended up getting eight stitches. today is going much better then last night and I am looking forward to go to the gym tonight. I thought god maybe made at me for cutting myself, but I had it explained to me and I don't think god is mad at me anymore. Thanks

Sunday, 25 September 2011

Church sunday

This morning was a good morning. I woke up and went to church with my mom. Today was the churchs anniversary so we had guest musicians come and sing and play the guitar and piano for us. they were really good. I also helped out in the nursery, even though we only had two kids there. Then we had a pot luck lunch after the service. It was great.
After church my mom and i went to the Ancaster fair. we didn't go on any rides we just looked to see what the vendors were selling. I bought a necklace. It is a music note made out of hand blown glass, and my mom bought a serving tray.