Saturday, 29 October 2011

96) Church activities
97) sleeping in on weekends
98) themed socks (for Halloween)
99) good family movies
100) Making someone else smile

Today we had a Roast beef dinner at our church. I was helping by being a table server so it was my job to bring all the food out to the tables, and clear there dishes.  it was fun. In my mind i was pretending to be a waitress.

Friday, 28 October 2011

things I am thankful for
91) duct tape for crafts
92) mike's girlfriend sharing photos with me for a surprise gift
93) dads half day today
94) socks with tred on the bottom to prevent slipping
95) hand held mirrors

today was a good day, nice weather, and dad was off work for half the day so I had some company at home. So I was not worried that someone was going to break in and shoot me because i know my dad would protect me.

Thursday, 27 October 2011

Things to be thankful for today
86) Ipods so I  can carry around entertainment wherever I go
87) Dad taking a half day tomorrow
88) Pie plates to squeeze paint out on
89) cameras so I can take pictures
90) life long friends

Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Things i am thankful for
81) Nights my family go out for dinner
82) paper notes to remind myself to do something
83) Socks to keep my feet warm
84) Stuff to be thankful for
85) Entertaining pets

Tuesday, 25 October 2011


76) Art and crafts
77) touch of paint for my friend to hide scratches on her new car
78) friends who wait with me for my mom to get home ffrom work so i'm not alone
79) The ability to put photos on mugs
80) scrapbooking memories

today was a good day, I went shopping with a friend. and when i came home and was alone again I sang worship music at the top of my voice. so maybe it was a good thing no one was here to tell me to be quiet.

Monday, 24 October 2011

71) The Gym
72) Sticky notes
73) Friends who take me places
74) Caring doctors
75) smell of fresh baked goods comming from my kitchen

Today was a good day. I am just comming from the gym. Went to see my doctor today, he told me that he heard I did a good job doing a presentation for his office. Went to my craft group as well today. I am going to teach the group how to make ducktape flowers.

Sunday, 23 October 2011

things I am thankful for
66) home cooked meals
67) plant stands
68) Hair brush when I can find it
69) abby my cat
70) warmer weather outside today

Today i went to church. i help out in the nursery and we are teaching the kids a song to sing to the congregation, the song is called tell me the stories of jesus. the kids are even learning some sign language to do while they are singing it.