Thursday, 3 November 2011

121) For friends
122) for family
123) For shopping trips
124) for christmas bargins already in stores
125) For connecting with old friends

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Things i am thankful for
116) The ladies at the gym
117) a taxi driver who arrives on time
118) My social worker walking with me to my next appointment
119) For having more clothes then closet space
120) having mom buy tim hortons for me after the gym

Tuesday, 1 November 2011


111) zumba at the gym
112) Progress in weight loss
113) Soppourt staff at the gym
114) Tim Hortons after comming from the gym
115) Zumba instuctor who goes out of her way to learn all participants names

Tonight was zumba i had a great time. I was doing the wrong moves some of the time, but they say as long as you are moving then you are doing what you are soppoused to be doing, just the wrong moves though. But the whole purpose of zumba is to have fun, and get a workout at the same time

Monday, 31 October 2011

Things I am thankful for

106)taxi drivers who were brave enough to wear a custume
107) nail polish that matches my outfit
108) shoes
109) slippers to keep my feet warm
110) new friends
well..... it is a nice night for halloween, we only ever get one kid, and she came early this year. so it looks like we are having candy left over if no one comes.

Sunday, 30 October 2011

101) Being in the right place at the right time, to help an elderly lady up after she fell
102) Caring staff who recognized i was having a panick attack
103) Medications to ease my symptoms
104) my beliefs
105) Self confidence helping a stranger